Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about our project here

General Information

What is RepubliK?

RepubliK is the World’s First AI-powered SocialFi Platform that revolutionises how content creators and social media users can be rewarded from their content and interactions – empowering everyone to participate, create and govern within an platform designed to value genuine contributions.

Using advanced A.I., Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology - monetising content and engaging fans; growing a community; interacting with your favorite creators; discovering and being discovered, is even easier, while an XP Points levelling system engages everyone in a dynamic and interactive process to level up and earn larger rewards.

Everyone can use RepubliK as they would TikTok and Instagram except that their content is not just consumed but invested in - every interaction propels creators forward with better earnings and fans can have a stake in their favorite creator’s success. While other social media platforms profit from the attention and time you give them without giving you anything in exchange, RepubliK's unique model ensures that everyone in our community is fairly rewarded for every contribution to the platform.

Where is RepubliK from?

RepubliK is built by a passionate team of creators, engineers and founders with deep expertise in the Web3 space. We have offices and representatives in Singapore and Berlin, all focused on our mission of growing global communities.

Find out more about us:

I'm a Creator / budding Creator, why should I use RepubliK?

On most social media platforms, the rules are set by big companies, and you often have to pay extra fees just to get your share of the earnings. But RepubliK changes all that.

Here's how:

1) RepubliK offers a unique and rewarding platform to grow your brand, engage with your audience, and monetize your content. By issuing your own Creator Tokens, you allow fans to invest in your success, with the potential for financial rewards as your social value increases. You can also receive direct support through tipping, paid chats, and subscription-based content, creating multiple revenue streams.

2)  Our AI-powered Discovery Engine helps like-minded users discover Creators based on their in-depth interactions, our AI-powered rewards system ensures fair and dynamic RPK rewards distribution based on the quality and engagement of your content, while our AI-powered decentralized content moderation guarantees a transparent and safe environment.

3) Fans can top-up RPK directly on RepubliK using credit cards so they will never have to wait to support you, while your RPK Vault (in-app wallet) tracks all transactions so you can monitor and have full control over your earnings.

4) Creating content on RepubliK connects you to a growing global community of engaged users eager to discover and support creators in tangible ways apart from views or likes, and from all walks of life. More importantly, enabling them to invest in your growth through Creator Tokens means your success is their success.  Being a Creator and building your community with RepubliK means it will always be a win-win for you and your fans!

What is RepubliK's revenue model?

RepubliK runs on an exchange model and generates revenue through transaction, minting, and marketplace fees, as well as from non-RPK transactions.These include but are not limited to:

Transaction Fees - When users buy or sell Creator Tokens on the platform, a small fee is charged. This fee is shared between the RepubliK platform and the creator, providing a consistent revenue stream for both parties.

Platform Fees - Revenue is generated from various platform services, including tipping, Pay2Chat, and subscription models. These fees help maintain and improve the platform while offering valuable services to creators and users.

How is RepubliK different from traditional social media platforms?

At its core, RepubliK is a one-stop platform where creators can reach their audience and keep a much bigger share of their earnings. The ecosystem uniquely rewards users at every level of engagement - not only creators, but also the audience - for their contribution to the platform, allowing everyone to earn for time spent interacting with RepubliK/content, referring friends, and supporting creators - unlike current social media platforms that take their time and attention for free.

Although legacy social platforms offer powerful channels for garnering attention, the options for pathways toward profitable interactions are slim. The majority of creator revenue stems from external brand deals, while on-platform monetization functions remain fragmented and siloed. Platform take rates remain high, and ad revenues have seen a steady decline.

RepubliK leverages the capabilities of Web3 to supercharge existing creator monetization tools. By implementing smart contracts, RepubliK significantly reduces the incremental costs associated with administrative tasks, legal fees, and talent agents. As a result, creators can capture value that was previously difficult to obtain within traditional systems, which were burdened with inefficiencies and costs. The trustless nature of smart contracts eliminates these obstacles and paves the way for a more streamlined and efficient creator economy.

Who are RepubliK's investors?

RepubliK's investors include OKX Ventures, Fundamental Labs, Mirana Ventures (Bybit), CMS Holdings, Signum Capital, UOB Venture Management, Arcane Group, ENJIN and more.

For the full list and latest updates on investors:

RPK and Community Rewards

What is the total supply of RPK Tokens?

The total supply of RPK is 3,000,000,000. There will never be more than that amount of RPK.

Visit the Metrics Dashboard to learn more about RPK in real-time:

Are there gas fees in withdrawing RPK Tokens?

Yes. Gas fees for withdrawal will be borne by users. RPK will be multi-chain in the very near future and we will aim to keep the gas fees as low as possible.

Has the RPK Smart Contract been deployed?

RPK Smart Contracts have been deployed on Arbitrum and Ethereum.

Explore RPK's multi-chain reserves at:  

To receive the latest announcements:

What is the Token Burning Mechanism for RPK?

The Token Burning Mechanism for RPK involves two key components:

Creator Tokens: Users who issue Creator Tokens will burn a portion of their RPK tokens as part of the process. This ensures a deflationary effect, reducing the total supply of RPK and potentially increasing its value over time.

Transaction Fees: The RepubliK Platform will burn a portion of the fees generated from transactions. This applies to trading fees, as well as other platform-generated fees, contributing to the deflationary mechanism and supporting the overall health and value of the RPK ecosystem.

What Exchanges are RPK listed on?
How do I buy RPK?

Here's how you can buy RPK:

1. You can purchase RPK on the following ExchangesBybit, KuCoin, MEXC, Gate, HTX, Uniswap, 1inch, OXFUN.

2. You can buy RPK directly on RepubliK using your credit card.For a visual step-by-step guide on how to do so:

Will there be KYC in the future?

While there is no KYC needed for interacting with the RepubliK platform, users are required to pass a basic facial verification process which prevents bot activity and activates the use of monetisation functionalities.

App Features

What's on the roadmap and what other features or tools will be offered in the future?

RepubliK has an exciting roadmap filled with innovative features and tools designed to enhance your experience on the platform. For a detailed view of our future plans and developments, please refer to our roadmap.

Stay tuned for regular updates and new feature announcements as we continue to build and grow:

How do I become a RepubliK Ambassador or Moderator?

The green prestige badge with the RepubliK flag is used to easily identify RepubliK Team Members, Official Partners or Official Ambassadors. Moderators who have contributed greatly and positively to the platform will also be given a green prestige badge.

If you think you have what it takes to be our Ambassador, apply:

If you think you have what it takes to be our Moderator, apply:

Will I eventually be able to issue my own Token on RepubliK?

Anyone who believes in their social value can issue their own Creator Token on RepubliK!

What is RepubliK's revenue model?

RepubliK runs on an exchange model and generates revenue through transaction, minting, and marketplace fees, as well as from non-RPK transactions.These include but are not limited to:

Transaction Fees - When users buy or sell Creator Tokens on the platform, a small fee is charged. This fee is shared between the RepubliK platform and the creator, providing a consistent revenue stream for both parties.

Platform Fees - Revenue is generated from various platform services, including tipping, Pay2Chat, and subscription models. These fees help maintain and improve the platform while offering valuable services to creators and users.


How is XP used to calculate Daily RPK Community Reward allocations?

RepubliK uses a dynamic and fair XP model to offer everyone a share of RPK based on their level of engagement in the App.  XP represents your contribution to the platform and allows you to achieve new tiers with additional benefits. You will receive RPK Tokens based on the XP you’ve earned in proportion to the total amount of XP across the platform.

More about XP:

1. Your XP represents your life time contributions to the platform and is how we award tier benefits and recognise top contributors. No one gets left behind.

2. XPs encourage meaningful participation. It's not just about how quantity; quality matters too. Engage and interact, refer friends, support creators, enjoy the App - these all contributes to your XP which then increases your RPK rewards.

3. The XP Model encourages long-term community growth - RepubliK wants to build a long-term relationship with a community and rewards pool that will continue to grow bigger. As RepubliK grows, the rewards pool grows too. This means the potential for earning has no limitation.

How do I get rewarded for my interactions on RepubliK?

XP represents the amount of contribution a user has made to the RepubliK Platform. The more you interact and have fun, the more XP you get! It's that easy.

Everyone can gain XP by:

1) Interacting: Engage with posts, fans, and other users on the platform. The more you interact, the more XP you accumulate.

2) Creating: Post high-quality content that resonates with your audience. The more your content engages others, the more XP you receive.

3) Inviting friends and supporters to join you in building your community. You can share your profile link which generates a profile preview for others, or share links to any individual piece of content so friends and supporters can see what you enjoy on RepubliK. All shared links are tagged to you, ensuring your contributions are recognized.

4) Daily Activity: Stay active on RepubliK by maintaining daily log-in streaks for a 7-day bonus (auto-refreshes). Consistent activity helps you earn more XP.

App Support

What measures does RepubliK take to mitigate bot activity?

If you encounter bot activity on RepubliK, please report the user directly within the app. Your report helps us maintain the integrity of the platform, allowing for a more authentic and rewarding user experience for everyone.

Why Won't Bot Activity Affect My Rewards?

1) Active Monitoring: We're vigilant about bot activity that might cause unfair RPK Community Rewards distribution or cause unpleasant user experience.

2) Community Governance: In the future, active community members holding RPK will be able to vote on specific topics such as botting consequences. Stay tuned!

3) Bot Activity Restrictions: Bots on RepubliK have been categorised as a) automated normal behaviors, b) repetitive actions c) malicious overload. RepubliK has implemented limitations to actions on the platform similar to mainstream platforms. This includes limitations to Follows, DMs, Likes to curb type a) and b) bot activities.

4) Focus on Quality Engagement: XP will increasingly reward valuable contributions like referring active users from other platforms, while less emphasis will be placed on simple metrics like likes and follows.

5) Adjustable XP Multipliers: As the platform grows, XP multipliers will be adjusted to ensure fair rewards for pioneer users.

6) Continued RPK Community Rewards: All platform fees will be returned to the community via community rewards based on XP. RepubliK operates solely on a community token model, ensuring all growth benefits go back to the users.RepubliK is committed to maintaining a fair and rewarding environment. We're taking multiple steps to ensure bot activity does not impact your experience or earnings.

Why is my account deactivated? / I can't log in

Accounts may be blocked or banned for violating our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, such as posting inappropriate content like pornography, engaging in self-harm activities, or using bots. If you believe that your account has been deactivated by mistake, please contact us at

Community Guidelines:  
Terms of Service:  
Privacy Policy:

What can I do if I see obscene / harmful / offensive content or content I dislike?

If you encounter content that violates our Terms of Service, you can report it to, or on one of the following channels where our moderation team will take prompt action to address the issue:  

As additional information, the RepubliK A.I. Engine is learning to assist in moderation and auto flagging of content that goes against community guidelines. The engine will also tailor your experience based on your interactions and preferences; over time, it will prioritize displaying content that resonates with you and reduce content that you do not interact with.

Community Guidelines:  
Terms of Service:  
Privacy Policy:

What is RepubliK's revenue model?

RepubliK runs on an exchange model and generates revenue through transaction, minting, and marketplace fees, as well as from non-RPK transactions.These include but are not limited to:

Transaction Fees - When users buy or sell Creator Tokens on the platform, a small fee is charged. This fee is shared between the RepubliK platform and the creator, providing a consistent revenue stream for both parties.

Platform Fees - Revenue is generated from various platform services, including tipping, Pay2Chat, and subscription models. These fees help maintain and improve the platform while offering valuable services to creators and users.

What are the guidelines for posting content on RepubliK?

Everyone can post content and information as long as it meets RepubliK Guidelines:

1) Your content must be real and legal.
2) Your content does not break any laws or rules. This includes laws about fair advertising and treating everyone equally.
3) Keep it respectful. No content that's harmful, harassing, or defames someone.
4) Nothing obscene, especially content that insinuates child pornography or anything harmful to minors.
5) Your content should not consist of links or the promotion of links leading to harmful software such as viruses.
6) Your content should not cause any legal problems or service disruptions to RepubliK. By following these rules, you help keep our community safe, respectful, and enjoyable for everyone.

Community Guidelines:  
Terms of Service:  
Privacy Policy:

How do I change my username?

As of now, the ability to change usernames is not available on RepubliK. We've designed the platform this way to maintain the integrity and accountability of user interactions. Keeping usernames constant ensures that you can build a recognizable and trusted identity on RepubliK. Thank you for your understanding.

How do I earn from my content on RepubliK?

Earning from your content on RepubliK is straightforward and rewarding. Here are the primary ways you can monetize your content:

Creator Tokens (Launching Soon): Issue your own Creator Tokens, allowing your fans to invest in your success. As your popularity and engagement grow, the value of your tokens can increase, providing financial rewards for both you as an issuer, and your supporters for trading them. A percentage of the revenue generated from your Creator Tokens is distributed to your token holders, incentivizing them to further support and promote your content.

Tipping: Receive tips directly from your audience using RPK tokens. Fans can show their appreciation for your content by sending you RPK, which you can then convert to other currencies or use within the platform.

Pay2Chat: Offer exclusive chat sessions with your fans who are willing to pay for a more personalized interaction. This feature allows you to monetize your time and engage more deeply with your audience.

Subscriptions: Create subscription-based content that offers exclusive access to your premium content. Fans can subscribe to your channel for a monthly fee, providing you with a steady income stream.

*Pro-Tip: While Creators can experiment with new content types or explore new genres that attract new audiences - alternatively, by simply reviving popular content used on other platforms that are already performing well, Creators can maximise the value of existing content to attract more paying supporters and Creator Token Holders. Depending on personal strategy, Creators on RepubliK can find opportunities to strengthen their influence with minimal additional effort, turning once-passive assets into active monetisation content.

How do I prevent others from monetising my content on RepubliK?

Keep your content secure and ensure you are the one profiting from your creativity with our Socials Linking feature. Now, by linking your Instagram account, you can verify your identity, making it clear to fans that you are the real deal. This verification not only protects your content but also boosts your credibility, allowing your audience to confidently support you through subscriptions (exclusive content), tipping, Pay2Chat, and invest in your journey through Creator Tokens. Show the world who's boss and make sure your hard work pays off.

I have a partnership request, who can I contact?

For partnership requests, please reach out to us via email at We look forward to exploring potential collaborations and opportunities with you.